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Re Enrollment Information

Dear Parents;

Thank you for partnering with Faith Christian School to educate your child(ren).  It is an honor and responsibility that we take very seriously.

It is that time of year when we re-enroll for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year.  The re-enrollment deadline is January 31, 2025.

If you are returning:

FCS operates under a continuous re-enrollment policy.  Continuous re-enrollment assumes you are coming back. Here is some information you need to know:

  • You do NOT need to re-enroll or fill out any re-enrollment paperwork. You do NOT need to notify us if you are returning. (Continuous Re-enrollment)
  • You DO need to inform the office of a change of address, phone number, or other important information.

You DO need to apply or re-apply for financial aid on the FACTS website

  • The deadline for all (new or existing) financial aid applications is March 1st.
  • You DO need to know that a $150 per family non-refundable re-enrollment fee will be charged and paid via FACTS on February 15th for all families.
  • You DO need to know there are withdrawal fees to be accessed if you withdraw after 03/15. If you withdraw from 03/15 to 06/15, the fee is $200. If you withdraw after 06/15, the fee is $400.
  • You DO need to know that your first tuition payment will be withdrawn from your FACTS account on August 1st.

FCS has made the re-enrollment process as simple as possible.  Your student(s) seat in next year’s class (grade) is secured by the $150 re-enrollment fee and the June 1st book fee.

If you are NOT returning:

You must notify the office in writing (by email or letter) if you are not returning by January 31st. 

Thank you once again for your support.  We are so grateful for the wonderful families God has sent our way.  

“Honestly, I think investing in Christian education is the best money we’ll ever spend.  The care and attention from the teachers is amazing, it feels like an extension of family.  I know their hearts are being nurtured just as much as their minds.”


-FCS Parent