Expected Student Outcomes
Faith Christian School’s goal is to produce young men and women that have a love for God, strong family values, and a love for our country. Our desire is that the graduates of Faith Christian School will have developed the following characteristics and qualities in their lives.
Statement of Student Outcomes:
It is our goal to lead children in developing the following characteristics and qualities in their lives.
- Articulate an understanding of the truth of salvation and the deity of Jesus Christ.
Testify of a real and genuine personal relationship with Jesus Christ. - Exhibit a tender heart seeking and desiring to fulfill God’s purpose in their life.
- Understand one’s God-given gifts and use them to fulfill His purpose in their lives.
- Engage in critical thinking and demonstrate an understanding of both a Biblical worldview and opposing worldviews.
- Demonstrate an ability to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you (apologetics).
- Understand how the Bible develops its themes of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.
- Understand how these Biblical themes inform one’s understanding of the liberal arts and sciences.
- Think creatively to solve problems, combining appropriate skills and concepts learned across all disciplines.
- Demonstrate the proficient mathematical skills and understanding necessary for stewardship of our God-given resources.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology and exercise discernment and appropriateness in using it in one’s personal life.
- Present, defend, and critique an argument using rigorous logic and precise terminology.
- Develop and demonstrate scientific knowledge and understanding of God’s created order.
- Exhibit the habits of a life-long learner, including an inclination to ask questions and consider new ideas.
- Articulate God’s providential directing of human history.
- Understand and strive toward health in body, mind, and spirit.
Measurement of Student Outcomes:
Student outcome initiatives will be measured and monitored in the following ways.
1 – 4. Each student in FCS will each year receive a clear explanation of the plan of salvation. This will be done in the classroom, chapel service, and in a yearly high school guidance meeting conducted by an Elder of the Faith Bible Church.
5 – 7. Each student will receive instruction followed by accountability to the instruction in the form of testing during Bible class, Science class, and Christian Worldview class. FCS will also conduct a Biblical Worldview Survey to further measure the student’s worldview in grades 9th through 12 th grade.
8 – 15. The student outcomes are primarily measured and monitored in the various classes taught by Christian educators. Educators trained in Biblical integration and presenting material infused with Biblical truth from Christian publishers.